Kids may be heading back-to-school, but that doesn't mean summer is over! As a life-long, summer lover, I usually begin to grieve the pending end of summer as early as the fourth of July, the back-to-school period fuels increases my winter-is-coming anxiety, and labor day sends me toppling into the abyss of despair. Yet, to be perfectly honest, the weather is usually still gloriously sunny and warm well into October where I live.
So, if you're like me, and want to squeeze every last drop out of summer, the next few posts are for you -- and the lucky kids who get to play yoga and mindfulness with you!
Happy stretching, breathing, playing, as you enjoy every last drop of summer!
Lisa Roberts xoxo
Let's go to the beach! Enjoy these free two beach-themed mindful mini videos, one for the mat and one the chair (hello! classroom).