Hmmmm.... if you dream about endless sunny days, wind swept salty hair, and soft, warm sand between your toes, you are not alone. Such wishful daydreams occupy my mind 365 days of the year. The beach is most definitely my happy place, but not always accessible since I live far from the ocean. In honor of all my beach loving friends and kiddos, I published one of my favorite kids yoga flashcard decks .... so grab your yoga mat (or beach towel), as well as your favorite kiddos and enjoy an amazing beach adventure!
About the deck:
includes suggested beach/ocean themed centering and warm-ups.
each card lists multiple yoga-based practices to capture your child's imagination and make learning about ocean creatures, playing yoga, and exploring mindfulness FUN!
create different experiences each time you play with the deck.
adapt to include all abilities and settings from the home to the classroom to the clinic.
Upon purchase you will receive a downloadable and printable PDF to print on your choice of paper or card stock. Keep and enjoy forever!
Wishing you fun beach adventures.
Lisa Roberts xoxo